example: write a list of bytes into a binary file let's say we want to write the binary data 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 into a binary file "target.exe" at offset 0x9876, then this can be achieved by these steps: sfkecho"01 02 03 04 05" +hextobin tmp1.dat writes the byte se...
SFK - The Swiss File Knife Multi Function Tool. (w) by J Thumm 2006-2024, swissfileknife.sourceforge.net Release 2.0.0 Base/XD Revision 2 of Oct 25 2024. Distributed for free under the BSD License, without any warranty. type "sfk commandname" for help on any of the following. some ...
Swiss File Knife(文件版瑞士军刀) Swicc File Knife是一个免费但功能强大的命令行工具,它将100多个功能组合在一个便携式可执行文件中,您可以将其放入USB闪存驱动器并随身携带。 使用Swiss File Knife,您可以搜索,转换,比较甚至同步文件夹或文件,发送UDP或HTTP请求,下载HTTP文件,查找重复文件,显示树大小等 下载并设...
SFK - The Swiss File Knife Multi Function Tool.(w) by J Thumm 2006-2024, swissfileknife.sourceforge.net Release 2.0.0 Base/XD Revision 2 of Oct 25 2024. Distributed for free under the BSD License, without any warranty.type "sfk commandname" for help on any of the following.some comman...
Download Swiss File Knife for Mac - Collection of command line tools that can run from a portable stick and help you deal with common tasks via the Terminal by using simple commands
SFK - The Swiss File Knife Multi Function Tool.(w) by J Thumm 2006-2024, swissfileknife.sourceforge.net Release 2.0.0 Base/XD Revision 2 of Oct 25 2024. Distributed for free under the BSD License, without any warranty.type "sfk commandname" for help on any of the following.some comman...
Swiss File Knife combines many functions in a single, Open Source portable executable that belongs on every USB stick. This utility allows for faster cutting of videos and binary files; it will also fully synchronize a folder tree, send UDP requests, bla
Swiss File Knife(文件版瑞士军刀) Swicc File Knife是一个免费但功能强大的命令行工具,它将100多个功能组合在一个便携式可执行文件中,您可以将其放入USB闪存驱动器并随身携带。 使用Swiss File Knife,您可以搜索,转换,比较甚至同步文件夹或文件,发送UDP或HTTP请求,下载HTTP文件,查找重复文件,显示树大小等...
Swiss File Knife, free and safe download. Swiss File Knife latest version: Portable list of command line tools.
Swiss Army knife of file managementWelcome to FileVoyager Navigate Your Files, Explore Without Limits About FileVoyager is a powerful file management tool that simplifies navigating, organizing, and transferring files. With its dual-pane interface and wide format support, it streamlines file management,...