On April 14th 2015, I flew Business Class in Swiss International Air Lines‘ oldest Airbus A340-300, registration number HB-JMJ (a former Canada Airlines plane, that left the Airbus factory in Toulouse in 1996).
空客A340-300 代码:343 空客A340-300 的航程约为 11,000 千米,可在满载情况下直飞瑞航的所有目的地。得益于新一代座椅,这架现代化飞机可在所有舱位提供最大舒适度。 特色 A340-300 有着马拉松运动员般的耐力。它保持着几项长途运输记录。翼尖小翼可减少机翼振动,大幅降低油耗。小翼也让空客有着优雅的外观。
瑞士航空Swiss International Air Lines发布最新宣传片!疑似曝光2025年即将引进的全新A350-900客机内舱布局及配色!据前段时间消息称,瑞士航空计划于2025年引进四舱布局242座的低密度A350客机,从影片可以看到亮点为全新超级经济舱!截止目前瑞士航空在大中华区仅运营苏黎世至中国香港及上海两个航点,均采用15-20年机龄的A3...
The A330-300 reflects Swiss' newest First, Business and Economy Class products. Business Class features a staggered lie flat seat. In Business Class, the single A seats in the even numbered rows feel more spacious than the A, B seats in the odd rows. ...
The article reports that the company Swiss International Air Lines has refinanced five A340-300s with the DVB Bank AG, Calyon, Investec, KfW IPEX Bank, NordLB and WestLB. The aircraft were delivered between June 2003 and May 2004 and were originally financed by Airbus Inc....
Swiss International Air Lines has unveiled a newnfirst-class cabin as part of the carrier's long-haul fleetnrenewal program.nThe eight-seat cabin is being installed on Swiss'nAirbus A340s and the new A330-300s it is schedulednto start operating this spring to replace its currentnfleet of...
Also Check: Swiss air upgrade to business class How do I contact Swiss Air?
空客A340-300 代码:343 空客A340-300 的航程约为 11,000 千米,可在满载情况下直飞瑞航的所有目的地。得益于新一代座椅,这架现代化飞机可在所有舱位提供最大舒适度。 特色 A340-300 有着马拉松运动员般的耐力。它保持着几项长途运输记录。翼尖小翼可减少机翼振动,大幅降低油耗。小翼也让空客有着优雅的外观。