But that doesnt work. In the docs I found no parameter to set a acive slide in the settings. Is there any way to do this? Here's my current code:https://codepen.io/cray_code/pen/dydrLBP varswiper =newSwiper(".swiper-months", {cssMode...
According toSwiper's docs, that seems to achive what you're looking for: If true, then active slide will be centered without adding gaps at the beginning and end of slider. Required centeredSlides: true. Not intended to be used with loop or pagination ...
I have 8 slides in the slider and by default left side is blank and the slides are on the right side, But by default, I want to keep the center slide active. How to do that? Default slides view Desired default slides view
(swiper)->returnswiper.activeIndexcomputed:mySwiper:->returnthis.$refs.mySwiper.swipermounted:->that=thisthat.mySwiper.on'init',->#there your this would be instance of swiperthat.getActiveIndex(this)that.mySwiper.on'slideChange',->#there your this would be instance of swiperthat.getActive...
可以获取到activeIndex啊。onSlideChangeStart得过渡到下一个slide的时候才会触发,freeMode: true模式下有可能没有过渡到下一个slide,所以函数没有触发。 可以试试onTransitionStart,只要开始过渡了就触发这个函数。 当然要看你具体什么需求,我只是一个思路。有...
I'm using react-id-swiperreact-id-swiper and everything works perfectly, but I need to set the initial active slide to other index. Right now by default it set to first slide; so just for example, let's say I'll have a JSON file with some content for sliders, and the card #5 ...
Last slide never gets activekidjp85/react-id-swiper#426 Open miller-kevinmentioned this issueJul 28, 2020 Last slides aren't clickable unless centeredSlides: truesurmon-china/vue-awesome-swiper#695 Open andriyoradded a commit to snedvigimost/snedvigimost-front that referenced this issueOct 10, ...