Swing trade有翻译成摆动交易的,我个人觉得翻译成波动/波段交易更贴切。从名字上也可以看出,这种交易方法是从股票的上下波动中获利,而不太关注股票的基本面和长期趋势,与day trade中的range trading类似,但是比day trade的timeframe要长,持股时间以天或周计,一般不会超过1个月。 swing trade比较适合在方向不明的股...
浅谈美股的几种交易模式:Daytrade,Swingtrade和Trendtrade Day trade中文称为日内交易。美股不像A股,股票买了不能当天卖,而是可以做T 0。所以有一种交易方式就是当天买卖,迅速进出,持股时间以分钟计,一般不持股过夜。偶然的买了股票当天就卖出,是intraday trading,但是不算day trade的交易方式。 Day trader基本都是...
In currency trading, two main styles stand out - technical and fundamental analysis. For traders looking to trade forex, it's essential to understand the unique factors thatapplyto each style. Technical analysis involves analysing price charts and using various tools to identify trend...
FOREX should you scalp? swing trade? day trade? to make money [TRUTH REVEALED] - mentfx ep. 2——中英双语 知识 财经商业 财经 金融 学习 课程 投资 外汇 Lil-锐 发消息 我的人生实在太有限了,不可能对谁都亲切。接下来播放 自动连播 【97%的胜率】疯狂的1分钟剥皮交易策略 汇盈量化 772 0 ...
Join Harry’s live stream throughout the day, as he analyzes dozen of trending charts via continual intraday market updates. Real-Time Trade Alerts Stay on top of important market movements, breakouts, and get real time day, and swing trade alerts. ...
How to Swing Trade the Market Rebound Swing Trading: Buy. Sell. Profit. Repeat. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Stock Market Update: Your Trading Compass Want Real-Time Analysis? Watch IBD Live Every Day IBD Long-Term Leaders Portfolio And Watchlist ...
Swing Trade Duration: The typical time frame for holding a swing trade, usually ranging from a few days to several weeks. Short Selling: Selling an asset you do not own, with the expectation of buying it back at a lower price. Day Trading: A trading style where positions are opened and...
When it comes time to take profits, the swing trader will want to exit the trade as close as possible to the upper or lower channel line without being overly precise, which may cause the risk of missing the best opportunity. In a strong market when a stock is exhibiting a strong directio...
阿布谈初学者应该使用Scalp还是Swing|Ask Al Brooks Scalps vs swings for beginner trade|价格行为 09:04 阿布谈市场强弱势多头空头参与者|Ask Al Brooks Strong and Weak Bulls and Bears|价格行为 03:36 阿布谈保护性止损|Ask Al Brooks: Holding Wide Stops -- When to Get Out|价格行为 02:47 阿尔...
Safe Profits: Trade an Intraday Stair: Relying on Hard and Fast Criteria for Defining Trends, Swing Traders and Day-Traders Alike Can Be Consistently Profitable with Limited Risk. the Key Is the Willingness and Willpower to Be PatientThe key to making limited-risk profits is a willingness to ...