When you let the ball hook, you are not using muscles by grabbing the ball, or forcing power onto the ball. Forcing the ball creates skid. Might be good an a late shift, but not in a house shot. Reply Post a new comment Enter text right here! Comment as a Guest, or login: ...
But what I do know about is movies, and after seeing the premiere of Jobs at the Sundance film festival I can definitively say this: it sucks.Yes, Jobs is bad, even worse if you spell it as jOBS like Diet Mountain Dew spilled on your keyboard and the shift key got stuck forever. ...
I’ve been hired to work full-time for Daily Kos. This means we get to produce more great content for you on a daily basis. It’s also a dream job for me – I’m getting paid to do what I’ve otherwise done as a hobby for almost a decade. Markos has been trying to bring me...
By the time you reach the top of your backswing the club head should be pointing over your right shoulder. With your right elbow and hand sitting under the golf club, as shown in the bottom right hand image. This position doesn’t guarantee you will hit a perfect golf shot every time. ...
•AZ-Sen: I know, I know, people pick up and move on from jobs all the time, and you shouldn’t read too much into it. But when your campaign manager and deputy campaign manager depart on the same day, in the middle of a dogfight against an insurgent primary opponent, it’s goi...
nrakich: Utah is intriguing, though I wonder how much the state is going to continue to shift left after Trump leaves the political stage (whenever that is). On the other hand, though, it is a relatively urban and suburban state, and as the urban-rural realignment continues, who knows ...
opinion and all those things kind of move at the same time. In this moment, we've seen public opinion, especially among white voters, radically shift, just radically shift a tremendous sense that we need to rethink public safety, that we need to rethink policing. Ben [01:06:45] I...
In the WI-02, there was a 0.4% shift towards the Republican, while Democrats made an 8.4% gain in the WI-02, yielding much large Democratic margin of victory than in 2004. In the Milwaukee suburbs, Democrats made 4.8% and 4% gains in the WI-01 and WI-05 respectively. However, the...
although California didn’t lose or gain a seat, there’s been enough population shiftwithinthe state (thanks to stagnation in the Bay Area and rapid growth in the Inland Empire) that the net result will be the moving of most of one districtfrom NoCal to SoCal. It’ll be interesting to...
• PA-Sen: Before you get too excited about the major shift in polling in the Pennsylvania Senate race, absentee ballot numbers out of the Keystone State should be considered a dash of cold water. Of the 127,000 absentee ballots requested, Republicans have requested 50% and Dems have reque...