《SWINGLOW.SWEETCHARIOT马车轻轻摇晃》原创歌曲简谱, 来源:词曲网,曲谱爱好者上传,上传日期:2011/12/8 15:34:13。
[美]云车,你飞下云端(Swing Low,Sweet Chariot) 作词:朱笙均 林蔡冰译配来源:中国曲谱网上传:热爱音乐88日期:2016-03-09浏览次数:1394 将此曲谱分享到:微信QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博百度空间人人网百度贴吧复制更多 发送到我的邮箱打包下载全屏查看手机看谱加入收藏发表评论...
[歌谱] SWING LOW SWEET CHARIOT 马车轻轻摇晃 (3P 640x916 ) [钢琴谱] 外国民歌钢琴小曲 快乐马车轻轻摇 (1P 596x842 ) [钢琴谱] 快乐马车轻轻摇 外国民歌钢琴小曲 (1P 596x842 ) [歌谱] SWEET AND LOW 柔风吹 (3P 640x900 ) [歌谱] SWEET AND LOW 柔风吹 (1P 640x900 ) [歌谱] 小蒲扇轻轻摇...
关键词:[美]云车,你飞下云端(Swing Low,Sweet Chariot)温馨提示:在《[美]云车,你飞下云端SwingLow,SweetChariot》简谱图片上点击鼠标右键,选择"图片另存为."即可保存简谱! 曲谱来源:词曲网 曲谱制作:词曲网搜集整理 曲谱提供:车里子 《[美]云车,你飞下云端SwingLow,SweetChariot》有关声明...
Don Besig and Nancy Price combine Swing Low, Sweet Chariot with two new, original melodies to create one of the best partner songs we've heard in years. Great for choirs of any age. The accompaniment track is pure excitement. Easy piano part. It's another winner from Don and Nancy. Sa...
摇晃着的轻柔甜蜜的马车/Swing Low, Sweet Chariot演奏: 作曲编曲:暂无演奏指挥:暂无乐谱风格:现代音乐 音乐形式:交响管乐 演奏乐器:暂无出版公司:Manhattan Beach 难易等级:3 库存情况:请客服微信号:13910324401,或电话010-85863306专辑介绍 Composer Steve Rouse is Winner of The Rome Prize, and this work amply...
Joan Baez Swing low sweet chariot live in France 1973, 视频播放量 403、弹幕量 0、点赞数 9、投硬币枚数 5、收藏人数 14、转发人数 2, 视频作者 Bilbo_Baggins, 作者简介 ,相关视频:Joan Baez Swing Low Sweet Chariot Live 1969,Joan Baez performs Swing Low Swee
作曲编曲:暂无 演奏指挥:暂无 专辑风格:现代音乐 音乐形式:交响管乐 演奏乐器:暂无 唱片厂牌:Manhattan Beach 发行时间:暂无 专辑介绍 Composer Steve Rouse is Winner of The Rome Prize, and this work amply demonstrates his skill. Rouse's goal was to "capture the fervent, devotional character of the spi...
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot meaning, definition, what is Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: a spiritual (=a religious song) from the...: Learn more.