England. Thoughtheswimwasinitiallymeanttobeabout 80 miles, strongcurrentsforcedtheathletetochangecourseseveraltimes, lengtheningthetotaldistancebyabout 50 miles. Bythetimesheappearedfromthewaterat 6:30 a.m. localtimeonTuesday, September 17, 2019, shehadbeeninthewaterfor 54 hoursand 13 minutesandswumato...
2019. The swim was about 80 miles at the beginning. However, strong currents add the total distance by about 50 miles. When Thomas came out from the water at 6:30 a.m local time on Tuesday, September 17,2019, she was in the water for 54 hours and 13 minutes and swam a total of...
Every summer many people try to swim across the English Channel . The shortest distance is only about twenty miles (one mile is about 1.6km) but because of the strong currents the distance that must be swum is usually more than twice as far . The strong currents from the Atlantic Ocean...
Many long-distance swimmers attempt such feats as swimming across the English Channel or from the southern California coast to Santa Catalina Island. 许多长距离游泳选手乐于挑战高难度的技巧,比如穿越英吉利海峡,还有从加利福尼亚亚南海岸出发游到圣.凯特琳娜 卡塔利娜 岛等。 Or how about when you go ...
2019. The swim was about 80 miles at the beginning. However, strong currents add the total distance by about 50 miles. When Thomas came out from the water at 6: 30 am local time on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, she was in the water for 54 hours and 13 minutes and swam a total of...
除了强大的洋流,游泳者还必须面对从18℃到6℃的温度变化; However, strong currents add the total distance by about 50 miles. When Thomas came out from the water at 6: 30 am local time on Tuesday, September 17,2019, she was in the water for 54 hours and 13 minutes and swam a total of...
Though the swim was initially meant to be about 80 miles, strong currents forced the athlete to change course several times, lengthening the total distance by about 50 miles. By the time she appeared from the water at 6:30 a.m. local time on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, she had been ...
完形填空 Trudy, an American girl, tried swimming across the English Channel.That was August 6, 1962.Her father had 1 her two things.One was not to pull her out of the water 2 she asked.The other was to give her a red sports 3 if she made it. In gay
1 完形填空 Trudy, an American girl, tried swimming across the English Channel.That was August 6, 1962.Her father had 1 her two things.One was not to pull her out of the water 2 she asked.The other was to give her a red sports 3 if she made it. In gay spirits Trudy 4 out , ...
Thecrawl, the stroke used in competitive freestyle swimming, has become the fastest of all strokes. It is also the almostunanimouschoice of stroke for covering any considerable distance. The stroke was in use in the Pacific at the end of the 19th century and was taken up by the Australian...