Rotary or multiport backwash valves: Rotary and multiport valves are similar in construction, A rotary valve is normally mounted under a vertical grid DE filter. As with piston-type units, these leak either externally or within the chambers of the unit itself. If water appears under the filter...
Influent lineThe plumbing line that leads from the pool or spa to the filter equipment. Also known as the suction line. Multi-port valveA valve that permits the multi-directional control of the flow of water through a filter; it combines the function of two or more single valves. ...
A device for gathering debris floating at or near the surface of a swimming pool, the device having a spray head assembly releasably installable in front of an in-wall skimmer on a side of the swimmin
Journaling, prayer, even voice memos can be really effective pressure valves, but when it comes to the getting unstuck stuff, it’s not enough to just “get it out”. The real magic happens when that other human being is present with us, bearing witness to our pain. My husband, God lo...