Swimming Pool Fence Exemptions The Swimming Pools Act 1992 provided alternative options to the general requirements of the location of pool fencing. These are referred to as exemptions. personalName=Lake Macquarie City Council;corporateName=Lake Macquarie City Council;jurisdiction=NSW - corporateName=Lake...
At Freedom, we have fencing to suit a wide range of pool designs, both large and small. Keep your family safe and install a premium fence for your pool today! Find out more Water Features For an outdoor entertaining area with the wow factor, consider our water features. A Freedom water...
Part1:Safetybarriersforswimmingpools. Poolownerscandecidetheexactlocationofthebarrier,whichneednotcloselysurroundthepool,provideditmeetsthe requirementsoftheAct,Regulationandappropriatestandard. Remember-thegeneralrequirementforchild-resistantbarriersonresidentialpropertiesisforthepooltobeseparatedbya ...