今天,我要向大家介绍Xcode 15中的一项新功能——预览宏(Preview Macro),它将为我们的SwiftUI开发带来革命性的变化。 首先,让我们回顾一下SwiftUI。SwiftUI是Apple推出的一种全新的用户界面框架,它采用声明式编程的方式,让开发者可以通过简单的代码来描述界面的结构和样式。然而,传统的SwiftUI开发过程中,开发者需要不断...
As you can see,#Previewsimplifies the way we define previews. Optionally, you can pass the#Previewmacro a name to configure the preview’s name. You can use this to set up a preview for any view as needed. Xcode will then render the preview, which will appear directly in the canvas. ...
从Xcode 15 开始,苹果借助于 Swift 5.9 宏(Macro)的“东风”,也为我们带来了全新的 #Preview 预览机制。你猜的没错,它其实就是一个宏: 如上所示:我们将 #Preview 宏定义展开为了其原始代码的实现,大家可以清楚的看到 #Preview 宏背地里到底做了些神马。 在Xcode 15 之前,小伙伴们需要使用遵循 PreviewProvider...
在Xcode 15 中,在@Observable处点击鼠标右键,选择“Expand Macro”操作。通过这步操作,我们可以看到@Observable宏为我们生成的代码: expend-macro-demo-2_2023-06-19_08.38.08.2023-06-19 08_38_52 @ObservableclassStore{@ObservationTrackedvarfirstName:String="Yang"{get{access(keyPath:\.firstName)return_first...
Title: Swift Macro for SwiftUI Previews Not Recognized in Xcode Hello everyone, I've developed a Swift macroswift-inject-previewthat generates SwiftUI previews (PreviewProvideror#Preview). However, Xcode seems to ignore the previews generated by the macro, likely because it searches forPreviewProvider...
在Xcode15 中,在@Observable处点击鼠标右键,选择“Expand Macro”操作。通过这步操作,我们可以看到@Observable宏为我们生成的代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 @ObservableclassStore{@ObservationTrackedvarfirstName:String="Yang"{get{access(keyPath:\.firstName)return_firstName}set{withMutation(keyPath:\.firstName)...
The newPreviewablemacro allows us to introduce the state to our previewswithout wrappingit into additional wrapper-view. #Preview("toggle") {@Previewable@Statevartoggled=truereturnToggle("Loud Noises", isOn:$toggled) } https://swiftwithmajid.com/2024/06/10/what-is-new-in-swiftui-after-wwdc24...
之前Swift 语言部分未提到这些特殊语法,主要是:注解/annotation(如 @State、@ViewBuilder)、宏/macro(如 #Preview) 与React 对比 SwiftUI 思路与 React 完全一致。但由于 React 只能改 jsx 语法,不能改 JavaScript 语言特性,所以走了一些弯路 这里几个重点是: ...
I've attached a sample project that explains the different approaches I have used for generating Sample data, as well as how I got around the @MainActor but with the #Preview macro. I figured this would probably be a good point of reference for anyone that ends up in my shoes. I wasn...
LaunchScreen.storyboard — 应用加载时显示的屏幕。...Info.plist — 属性列表文件,包含项目的很多配置,如App名字、版本等 Preview Content — 这是一个文件夹,里面包含一个 Preview Assets.xcassets 启动流程...window window...