public func index(after i: Index) -> Index { _precondition(i < endIndex, "String index is out of bounds") // TODO: known-ASCII fast path, single-scalar-grapheme fast path, etc. let stride = _characterStride(startingAt: i) let nextOffset = i.encodedOffset &+ stride let nextStride ...
每一次formIndex都会调用到下面的代码: public func index(after i: Index) -> Index { _precondition(i < endIndex, "String index is out of bounds") // TODO: known-ASCII fast path, single-scalar-grapheme fast path, etc. let stride = _characterStride(startingAt: i) let nextOffset = i.enc...
要是我offset 再大一点(比如调整成5)就报错了 Fatalerror:Stringindexisout of bounds:fileSwift/StringRangeReplaceableCollection.swift,line302 3. 为什么要支持不等长的元素,和其他语言一样不好吗? 如果collection 不支持不等长的元素和其他语言一样,那就非常简单了,String这种类型单独处理一下就好了。 swift1.0 ...
索引超越了有效范围,触发运行时错误:Thread 1: Fatal error: String index is out of bounds// let subStr5 = title[title.endIndex];letindices=title.indices;//!DefaultIndices<String>(_elements: "Koala , Snail , Penguin , Dromedary ", _startIndex: Swift.String.Index(_rawBits: 0), _endIndex:...
【Python】已解决:IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 0 二、可能出错的原因导致该错误的原因主要有以下几点:空数组:在访问数组元素时,数组实际上是空的,即没有任何元素。索引超出范围:尝试访问的索引超出了数组的维度范围。...数据初始化问题:数组在初始化时没有正确填充数据,导致后...
edited A string index out of bounds fatal error is produced when converting this text into an attributed string: let text = "[**\\!bang**]( " let md = SwiftyMarkdown(string: text) let string = md.attributedString() ...
Hello guys , i have a project build in swift 3 & xc 8.2 beta and realm last version by cocoapod ' before 2.1.2' the problem is i get data from realm db, first loop i find that object i want, and next loop i find it as well, but suddenly ...
Swift/Collection.swift:722: Fatal error: Index out of bounds The crash happens in the main thread and the call stack is buried within refresh code for the table. It happens after [NSTableView _delegate_isGroupRow:] is called . This is a big show stopper and I have no possibility to in...
Swift’sAnytype can hold any type, butDictionaryandSetrequire keys that areHashable, soAnyis too general. Starting with Swift 3, the Swift standard library provides a new typeAnyHashable. Similar toAny, it acts as a supertype of allHashabletypes, so values ofString,Int, and other hashable ty...