在Swift 中,有三种类型的语句:简单语句、编译器控制语句和控制流语句。简单语句是最常见的,用于构造表达式或者声明。编译器控制语句允许程序改变编译器的行为,包含编译配置语句和行控制语句。 控制流语句则用于控制程序执行的流程,Swift 中有多种类型的控制流语句:循环语句、分支语句和控制转移语句。循环语句用于重复执行...
Swift Programming Language The Swift Programming Language's Translation For Chinese(5.0 version) Swift 编程语言翻译(5.0版本) 这是自己在学习的时候做的官方的一些翻译笔记,以及每章知识内容总结,希望能帮助到大家。 一、目录列表 二、知识大纲总结 第一章:基础知识 ...
Participants 6 Does anyone know of an ePub link to the 5.9 version of the Swift Programming Language docs? While I appreciate them supporting the documentation in DocC format, it would still nice if I could import an ePub (or PDF) copy into iBooks, for the times that I'm disconnected. ...
Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for all Apple platforms. It’s easy to get started using Swift, with a concise-yet-expressive syntax and modern features you’ll love. Swift code is safe by design and produces software that runs lightning‑fast....
“Swift is a fantastic way to write software, whether it’s for phones, desktops, servers, or anything else that runs code. It’s a safe, fast, and interactive programming language that combines the best in modern language thinking with wisdom from the wider Apple engineering culture and the...
English Version This repository contains the source forThe Swift Programming Language(sometimes abbreviated as TSPL), which is published ondocs.swift.organd built usingSwift-DocC. This repository includes the latest version of TSPL, as well as Simplified Chinese translations corresponding to different ...
print("Greetings, people of the future! What's new in 10.\(macOSVersion)?") } 有关switch 语句及其模式匹配功能的更多信息,请参阅 Apple 的Swift编程语言(Swift Programming Language)指南中的控制流程(Control Flow)部分。 (多看几遍)
2. Swift Programming Language 3. Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C 4. App Extension Programming Guide 5. HomeKit Developer Guide 6. Swift Blog - Apple Developer 7. iOS Human Interface Guidelines Swift 教程 1. 官方教程 2. 快速入门 3. 教程精选 4. 开发技巧 5. 相关文档 Swift 项目 1....
苹果系统里的OC占比也依然很高,_博客《Evolution of the programming languages from iPhone OS 1.0 ...