Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for all Apple platforms. It’s easy to get started using Swift, with a concise-yet-expressive syntax and modern features you’ll love. Swift code is safe by design and produces software that runs lightning‑fast....
https://www.altexsoft.com/blog/the-good-and-the-bad-of-swift-programming-language/ https://devclass.com/2024/06/13/after-ten-years-of-swift-apple-promises-ai-powered-tooling-and-another-push-toward-cross-platform/ https://medium.com/@niranjan9795/swift-from-new-baby-to-10-year-old-child...
1. Swift官方电子书(Apple官方提供) 你可以通过iTunes下载这本电子书到你的iPhone或iPad上,如果你想要用一般的PC来阅读,它也有网页版本,你可以通过网页版本在你的PC上面浏览并学习。 *电子书下载链接(iTunes):The Swift Programming Language *PC网页版本:The Swift Programming Language网页版本 2. Swift中文电子书...
Apple Swift编程语言入门教程 Swift 是什么? Swift 是苹果于 WWDC 2014 发布的编程语言,这里引用The Swift Programming Language的原话: Swift is a new programming language for iOS and OS X apps that builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility....
let appleSummary = "I have (apples + oranges) pieces of fruit." 数组和字典 Swift使用[]操作符声明数组(array)和字典(dictionary): var shoppingList = ["catfish", "water", "tulips", "blue paint"] shoppingList[1] = "bottle of water" ...
Apple Swift中文入门教程【转发】 1 简介 今天凌晨Apple刚刚发布了Swift编程语言,本文从其发布的书籍《The Swift Programming Language》中摘录和提取而成。希望对各位的iOS&OSX开发有所帮助。 Swift是供iOS和OS X应用编程的新编程语言,基于C和Objective-C,而却没有C的一些兼容约束。Swift采用了安全的编程模式和添加...
Apple has posted new information about the language and the open source project toSwift.org, along with extensive documentation and instruction for new users on how to begin programming for the language. Watch the Latest from AppleInsider TV ...
1 目录1 简介2 Swift入门3 简单值4 控制流5 函数与闭包6 对象与类7 枚举与结构1简介今天凌晨Apple刚刚发布了Swift编程语言,本文从其发布的书籍《The Swift Programming Language》中摘录和提取而成。希望对各位的iOS&OSX开发有所帮助。Swift是供iOS和OS X应用编程的新编程语言,基于C和Objective-C,而却没有C...
var optionalName: String? = "John Appleseed" var gretting = "Hello!" if let name = optionalName { gretting = "Hello, \(name)" } 灵活的switch Swift中的switch支持各种各样的比较操作: let vegetable = "red pepper" switch vegetable { ...