(本文代码已升级至Swift3) 我们使用UIImagePickerController(图片选择器)可以很方便的从系统“照片”中选择图片,但我们会发现选择完毕后,通过图片的info[UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL]得到的是一个引用路径,格式如下: 1 assets-library://asset/asset.PNG?id=90B54369-5E79-433D-B74A-E8E0870EAF27&ext=PN...
for value in stride(from: 0, to: rect.width, by: 2){ let x : CGFloat = value let sine : CGFloat = sin(Angle(degrees: value + offset).radians) let y : CGFloat = progressHeight + (height * sine) path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: x, y: y)) // Bottom Portion path.addLine(to...
UIImage)! // Retrieve the byte array from image. let imageByteArray = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.0) // Call the getTextFromImage function passing in the image the user takes or chooses. getTextFromImage(subscriptionKey: Constants.computerVisionSubscriptionKey, getTextUrl: ...
// Swift 3funcfoo(x:NSArray) {// Result of subscript is now Any, needs to be coerced to get method lookupprint((x[0]asAnyObject).description) } Alternatively, force-cast the value to the concrete object type you expect: funcfoo(x:NSArray) {// Cast to the concrete object type you...
Kanvas - A iOS library for adding effects, drawings, text, stickers, and making GIFs from existing media or the camera. Kingfisher - Image download and caching. LetterAvatarKit - A UIImage extension that generates letter-based avatars. Lightbox - A convenient and easy to use image viewer for...
imageData.write(to: imageURL) let newImage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: imageURL.path)! I’ve left out all the error handling. Specifically, you really want to handle any errors you get writing (line 4) or reading (line 6) the image. This uses a PNG representation, which is convenient ...
Swift中,UIImage是一个用于表示图像的类。它可以通过多种方式进行初始化,包括从文件、URL、NSData等加载图像数据。在某些情况下,初始化UIImage可能会失败,例如当提供的图像数据无效或无法解析时。 要检查UIImage初始化失败的情况,可以使用可选类型来接收初始化方法的返回值。如果初始化成功,返回一个非空的UIImage实例...
privatevarbodyText:UILabel!privatevarsampleContent:Content!privatevarsampleChunk:Chunk!privatevarsampleOptions:Options!privatevarimagePicker:UIImagePickerController!privatevarspinner:UIActivityIndicatorView!privatevaractivityIndicatorBackground:UIView!privatevartextURL ="vision/v2.0/read/core/asyncBatchAn...