taxingpear94 ★★ Guide @1975George Kyno is a mod for the forums, usually a decent mod. I will say this, he is under a lot of pressure as a middle man between us and the high council at CG. We both know how the high council is. Reply 0 + XP New topic Join...
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?By checking my SWGOH account and see that my C-3PO is stuck at 6 stars with 15 shards out of 100, then checking the event in Journey Guide/Solo Adventure/Contact Protocol. You can also check my screenshot that will be on the folder Connection ...
taxingpear94 ★★ Guide @1975George Kyno is a mod for the forums, usually a decent mod. I will say this, he is under a lot of pressure as a middle man between us and the high council at CG. We both know how the high council is. Reply 0 + XP New topic Join...