You can view and pay your bill, report an outage, check outage status, manage your accounts, view billing history, and more! Use the "Remember me" feature to make login a breeze. Everything is now at the touch of your fingertips. Features include: OUTAGE INFORMATION - Report a power ...
Carl.Basham,2022/09/15 Updated and functions I have checked the past reviews and noticed that none are more recent. I decided to give the app a try and have been very pleased with it working on my iPhone 12 and 13. The app allows for payments and outage viewing as well as notification...
This Power Outage Has Caused The Death Of Someone Here To Help Us We learned late last night that commitment from those outside personnel has come at the highest cost with the heat-related death of a West Virginia lineman who's unresponsive body was discovered in his hotel room yesterday. B...