Scone是英式速发面包(quick bread)的一种,它又被称为英国松饼、英国薄饼。司康饼的主要成分是面粉、大麦、燕麦、砂糖等等,最常见的是带有葡萄干的司康,也有芝士司康、巧克力司康等。 有时英国人吃司康会抹上果酱和奶油,奶油一般都会是凝脂奶油(...
This morning I woke up at 7am to make and bake cream scones for a brunch I didn’t even get to go to. I’ll save you the reason why I had to cancel going to brunch and instead give you the recipe to make these “melt in your mouth” light and fluffy cream scones. Perhaps the...
Unununium在下厨房分享了菜单「【香到爆炸的!!-黑芝麻风味意式脆饼 】Biscotti 葡萄干花生酥(低油低糖版) 柠檬杏仁瓦片酥-法国总统烘焙学院 没有黄油也同样做出香酥不腻,花纹立体清晰的曲奇 零失败花纹超级立体的黄油曲奇 蔓越莓(葡萄)奶酥 适合给孩子的少糖配方😉