对于只有一半使用低因咖啡的拼配来说,低因豆的部分可能会带来一些和一般咖啡豆不同的质地——在萃取的时候可能需要进行相应的调整。我们Sweet Maria'S 也有自己的低因浓缩拼配在售。 雨林咖啡学会-Rainforest Coffee Institute RCI 致力于打通咖啡产地与消费者的边界,咖啡学习者与咖啡专业知识的边界,咖啡教育的语言边界。
点评用户“混账转行”对【甜玛莉咖啡Sweet Maria Coffee(金磐网络科技园店)】的评价:打卡 甜玛莉 位置属实有些难找,在园区内的一家咖啡店服务员态度很好,主动推荐和介绍 冰滴厚拿铁五星推荐,...
初识SweetMaria's Sweet Maria's位于美国西岸的奥克兰. 创办人Thompson Owen。 在1997年开始他的事业,成功的将销售对象锁定在「专业自家烘焙」的玩家们,他将咖啡的事业精致化,提供给这些玩家们完整的服务,包括豆子的详细数据、杯测数值以及烘焙上的建议。同时发起的Coffee Shrub 为小型精品烘焙商们供应一些令人惊艳的...
Coffee Roasters Coffee Brewers Grinders Espresso Extras Gift Cards Back to Basics: First Crack Whether you are a brand new home roaster or a seasoned professional, it's a good idea to brush up on your roasting fundamentals. In ourextensive coffee library, you'll find a primer on an important...
You definitely want to weigh EVERY batch and be consistent, and use a batch size that does result in increased motion of the coffee over the first 30 seconds, If your coffee isn’t spinning at all after 30 seconds, you should stop the roast and remove some! But slower initial rotation ...
Sometimes you need to communicate something to others: Terms tend to shift meaning in the coffee industry, but these should be generally comprehensible definitions Note – this is a very early SM page that eventually became our much more complete Sweet Maria’s Coffee Glossary ! Variety and Proce...
No Coffee, No TV, No Sex(1999) Julie Nicolet Juliette Colombiana(2011) Lea Ozbek Elodie (10 ans) Sweet Girls(2015) Joséphine Pittet Laura The Animal Kingdom(2023) Jeff Saint Martin Le père d'Elodie Sam(VIII)(2014) Barbara Tobola ...
Crisp chocolate notes might refer to tangy bittersweetness. It involves something that occurs briefly, and that provokes reaction, normally positive. Search Our Coffee Glossary Latest Glossary Terms Catigua Sidra RAB C15 Arabusta Liberica Coffee Variety...
Sweet Maria’s Coffee. Ecuador Full bloom! boom! …Finca La Chorrera, Cariamanga, Ecuador Umberto Diaz, Finca Junin, El Gigante, Umberto Diaz, Finca Junin, El Gigante, Colombia (34), Flowers on S-795 plant – at the highest plot on the Pedemeran farm. Sulawesi, Pedemeran Coffee ...
Sweet Maria’s Aillio Bullet R1 Cleaning and Maintenance Guide The Bullet R1 requires more frequent cleaning and careful maintenance compared to other home roasters. If you don’t care for your Bullet R1 properly, smoke can damage the internal electronic components that make your roaster tick. ...