Get Full Recipe Creamy Horseradish credit: Sticks Scratch Kitchen Yup, Horseradish Sauce is not only for steak or beef tenderloin. Its tang can also enhance the flavor of many types of dishes like sweet potato fries! However, a word of caution: when you make this recipe, go easy on the...
Horseradish Jerusalem Artichoke Kale Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce Lima Beans Melons Mizuna Mustard Greens New Zealand Spinach Okra Onions Parsnips Peanuts Peas Peppers Potatoes Pumpkins Radicchio Radishes Rhubarb Rutabaga Salsify Shallots Sorrel Southern Peas Soybeans Spinach Squash, Summer Squash, Winter Sunchokes ...