double the milk--for which you should sub buttermilk if you can--light. light result. mix your egg(s) into the milk well with a fork, then add in the "jiffy" till just incorporated, just a few stirs. let rest for 10 minutes or more, then with rubber spatula gently transfer the no...
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Her mother used to make spoon bread and you posted this recipe with perfect timing so I called her and suggested swapping out the stuffing and subbing in this and she was delighted. Thanks! November 28, 2010 at 9:57 pm Reply Joanne This recipe looks awesome. I can’t wait to try ...
Variable P y Att Sub Per Int Per–2 Per–3 Per–4 Homest Co f arm PST Pro f armer Broker Conagu Conoth Taichang Changhua Yunlin Gender Age Marriage Edu Agricro p Agriex p Income Definitions Dependent variables Latent variable for a farmer who has participated in contract farming in the...