Download & Print Sweet Emotion for guitar (chords) by Aerosmith (version 3). Guitar chords only, lyrics and melody may be included. High-Quality PDF to download.
SWEET EMOTION - The Kooks --- Tabbed by: wbalston Tuning: standard This is the rhythm guitar If you can play simple barre chords and have a sense of rhythm, you can play this. For almost the whole song, the chord pattern is: F#, F, A#m (barre 5), C#(barre 9) e|-2-| F# ...
The whole-tone, natural minor, harmonic minor, and melodic minor scales on acoustic guitar can bring intriguing mystery and bittersweet emotion to your music.
The other members of Guns N’ Roses saw the potential in Slash’s riff and acted upon it, as he toldGuitar Edgein 2007, “I was playing the intro riff and they were playing chords behind it. And next thing you know, it was turning into something. I really just thought of it as a...
a part of the band, and a part of our friendship. On another level, the name "Sweet Boy" lends itself to a notable theme in our music. Many of our songs are written from a perspective of sincerity and genuine emotion. We believe the best music is honest and open - qualities that Sw...
To chords constructed by guitarist Izzy Stradlin, and bassist Duff McKagan’s hummable bassline on the intro, Slash added four guitar solos (including the intro) and the song’s most melancholic minute of tension. Slash’s final solo slithers into a coda where Rose says, “Where do we go?
begins halfway through, when major chords come chorusing in like a cavalry of the just. Obsessive God’s Pee watchers may recognize these four tracks from the 45-minute live suite known as "Behemoth" – not a bad summation of this album’s threat and grandeur." – The Guardian "Change ...
The other members of Guns N’ Roses saw the potential in Slash’s riff and acted upon it, as he told Guitar Edge in 2007, “I was playing the intro riff and they were playing chords behind it. And next thing you know, it was turning into something. I really just thought of it as...