可爱可爱的卡通形象(cute-cute-kawaii-sassy-character-of-a-heart-with-cartoon-eyes) 幸福是奋斗出来 6个月前 可爱可爱的川崎水彩花卉贴纸包(cute-and-kawaii-watercolor-flower-sticker-pack) 幸福是奋斗出来 5个月前 可爱的可爱可爱可爱的可爱小熊猫剪贴画9153509(cute-kawaii-fat-little-panda-clipart9153...
{},\"url\":\"https://forums.ea.com/discussions/the-sims-mobile-en/sweet-treat-activities-not-working-and-sims-stuck-in-houses/11214981\"}}})":{"__typename":"ComponentRenderResult","html":" "}},"componentScriptGroups({\"componentId\":\"custom.widget.EA_Survey\"})":...
How often does the bug occur?Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?Ad times displayed on buttons inside the sweet baking challenge are incorrect. While this seems like deceitful ad practices I am reporting this as a bug directly before reporting issue to Google Pl...
I think the type of event is really beautiful and well done, but on the other hand it seems to be really difficult to me... For final prizes we have to get... - 11294087