More information about what is covered under the P&I insurance can be found inthe Club’s P&I Rulesand in the comments to the Rules,the Club’s P&I Rules & Exceptions.
Additional Insurance – Owners P&I Shipowners’ Liability to Cargo (SOL) Cover for various risks related to breaches of the contract of carriage of cargo. Who can be covered?Members with existing full P&I cover with The Swedish Club. Limits: Max USD 50 million Deductibles: Standard Cargo ded...
急求航海英语在线翻译The Swedish P&I Club published its Monthly Safety Scenario for November 2014 regarding cargo damage caused by excessive heating. The Swedish Club publishes on a monthly basis a new "Monthly Safety Scenario" (MSS) to assi
The Swedish Club has partnered with industry leading cargo consultants, CWA International, to develop its new Cargo Advice series, which provides expert advice and information on the carriage of a wide range of cargoes that are frequently subject to claims. The new Cargo Advice gives...
沃保网从PICC P&C swedish club claims leads clause条款、保障范围等角度为您解答人保财险保险公司PICC P&C swedish club claims leads clause怎么样、PICC P&C swedish club claims leads clause好不好的疑问。
Good sport environments : A study of collective fundamental values and their importance for activity principles in Swedish club sportPaul SjblomJosef FahlénThe 10th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Sociology and sport in face of new challenges, Cordoba, Spain, May 2013...
Having five bands on the bill and two complete backlines to cram into a small club was a bit of a hassle though, but we made it work. Fortunately there was another venue above the Randal club where we could hang out in complete silence, so that's where Jesper and I spent most of ...
"我们研究的关键点之一是驾驶员和船员意识到在设计锚设备时所考虑的环境因素的重要性."DNV GL高级工程师H(a)Kon skaret说,"如果这些限制没有考虑在船上的抛起锚程序中,有可能对船造成严重损伤,甚至超出了锚和锚链的丢失.如果对锚设备进行正确的维护保养以及采取正确的抛起锚操作程序,许多丢锚现象是可以避免的."...
Sep16Show #2Knaack ClubBerlin (Germany)Other bands 1999 Jul31Show #3Metalfest XIII, Relapse stage Milwaukee, IL (US) Aug1Show #4Royal GroveLincoln, NE (US)Other bands Aug2Show #5BottleneckLawrence, KS (US)Other bands Aug3Show #6Creepy CrawlSt. Louis, MO (US)Other bands Aug4Show #...
I’m a big fan of every other club on The Strip but, as I experienced it, I didn’t find my journey around venues very easy; a lot of ropes and pens of people. Light reminded me of Brixton Academy: a big area right in front of the DJ, VIP in the back of the round. ...