Five categories were identified: exploring the woman's situation; providing information about contraceptive methods; performing medical evaluation; guiding the decision-making process; and following up on the counselling. Results showed that the providers had developed their own strategies and suggest the ...
Sectra’s enterprise imaging solution provides a unified strategy for all imaging needs while lowering operational costs. The scalable and modular solution, with a VNA at its core, allows healthcare providers to grow from ology to ology and from enterprise to enterprise. Read more about Sectra’s...
It will also deepen our understanding of the complex situation that many of these people find themselves in, a group who find themselves in great need of hope and support to develop a work identity and finding a job. Our partnership with user organisations and AS providers will further provide...
The National Board of Health and Welfare's (NBHW) investigations describing the causes of the malpractice claims and the healthcare providers' reported measures were analysed using Qualitative Content Analysis. The original telephone calls themselves, which had been recorded, were analysed using the ...
Swedish legislation states that health care providers in Sweden must have insurance covering adverse events (AEs) and inform patients who sustain AEs about their right to claim compensation5,6. FRI can be classified as an AE; thus, they can be compensated by The Swedish National Patient Insurance...
further team members started focusing on recruiting CT providers rooted within their respective medical models and with experience of sharing cases with conventional providers in order for them to be able to actively take part in the mutual exchange and learning process engaged in by the group. As...
Description: The total number of patients and visits are shown for all providers (physicians, nurses) and for physicians only. Abbreviations ATC: Anatomical therapeutic chemical classification; EMR: Electronic medical records; IH: In-hours; KIDPC: Kronoberg Infection database in primary care; OOH: ...
The study findings are important for health care providers, families and patient support groups for EA as they can help inform and prepare families of children with EA what needs children with EA/LGEA may have in everyday life. Given that the rights/access to school support may vary between...
The older adults were aware of the everyday work situation of the providers of social and healthcare and were Influenced by the context. Discussion/conclusion Important conditions for a good quality of life and participation for the older adults are to be ...
Using the primary care system as a partner in the community intervention, the programme carried out systematic risk factor screening and individual counselling by its family medicine providers while involving the whole municipality in different strategies to raise public awareness. The evaluation of the ...