The meaning of SWEAT is to excrete moisture in visible quantities through the openings of the sweat glands : perspire. How to use sweat in a sentence.
The meaning of SWEAT is to excrete moisture in visible quantities through the openings of the sweat glands : perspire. How to use sweat in a sentence.
sweat glands sweat lodge sweat off sweat out sweat pants sweat room sweat sock sweat suit sweat test sweatband sweatbox sweated sweater sweater girl sweaterdress sweathouse sweatily sweatiness sweating Sweating bath Sweating house Sweating iron Sweating room sweating sickness sweating system sweatpants ...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook sweat glands Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to sweat glands:Eccrine sweat glands,Sebaceous glands,Apocrine sweat glands sweat glands Glands located in the epidermis, which produce perspiration. ...
3The sweat glands secrete water.汗腺分泌汗液。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》4He woke up soaked with sweat.他醒了,浑身大汗淋漓。《牛津词典》5His face was beaded with sweat.他脸上挂着汗珠子。《牛津词典》6Sweat glistened on his forehead.他额头上的汗珠晶莹发亮。《牛津词典》7Sweat dribbled down Hart'...
1. the secretion from the sweat glands, esp when profuse and visible, as during strenuous activity, from excessive heat, etc.; commonly also called perspiration 2. Chiefly US an exercise gallop given to a horse, esp on the day of a race Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © ...
The sweat glands are unevenly distributed throughout the body, with a relatively high density over the palm (700 glands per cm2) and lower densities, for instance, on the back and face.1 Sweat secretion, an important component of thermoregulation is modulated by the sympathetic nervous system ...
There are two main kinds of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. What causes smelly armpits? On March 24, 2017, in the first decision, a Fourth Department panel sent the case back to Supreme Court for a hearing to determine whether Sweat even had standing to challenge the search of the Buf...
Related to Sweat pore: Sudoriferous glands, sweat ductGraphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> hair follicleintegumentary...Montgomery's...tarsal glandMeibomian glandoil glandsebaceous fol...glandulae seb...sebaceous... noun Synonyms for sebace...
perspiration: salty fluid secreted by sweat glands; "sweat poured off his brow" excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin; "Exercise makes one sweat" fret: agitation resulting from active worry; "don't get in a stew"; "he's in a sweat about exams" condensation of moisture on a...