Sweat glands are classified into three main types: eccrine, apocrine, and apoeccrine (Sato1993; Sato et al.1989). Eccrine sweat glands will be the focus of this review because they are the most numerous (2–4 million), distributed across most of the body surface area (Sato1983,1993) and...
Thesweat glandconsists of the secretory coil where sodium chloride–rich primary sweat is produced and a duct where part of the sodium and chloride is reabsorbed. Sweat glands are classified into apocrine and eccrine types, even though the mechanics of sweat secretion are probably the same. Apocr...
Sweat glands that produce body odor. They occur in the armpits and genital area and become active at puberty. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to th...
Papillary carcinoma of apocrine sweat glands in a capuchin monkey (Cebus albifrons). A removed from the skin of the right pectoral region of a 19-year-old male Capuchin () was morphologically classified as a of apocrine sweat gland origin. The designation of was based primarily on cellular ...
Lucas and Nordby (1974) reported a case of a recurrent tumour of the palm, not invading the deep layers, classified histologically as a mixed tumour of the sweat glands. Clinically, the tumour has no features suggestive of a lipoma of the palm (Lucas and Nordby 1974) and may be located...
Depending on whether or not the ductal opening is connected to a hair follicle, the sweat glands are roughly classified into two types: eccrine and apocrine.10 The eccrine glands open directly to the surface of the skin and account for the highest volume of sweat secretion. As the major ...
When your body gets too hot due to exercise, external heat or stress, it releases that extra heat via sweat on your skin. Your body expels the extra heat as the sweat evaporates into the air. Every person has anywhere from2-4 million sweat glands. There are 2 main types of sweat glan...
The staining patterns of normal sweat glands and sweat gland-derived neoplasms using 2 monoclonal antibodies to keratins (Dako-CK1, Cam 5.2) has been assessed. Based on findings in normal glands, the differentiation of these benign neoplasms is considered, with positive evidence for apocrine and ...
Sweat is usually produced via the sweat glands and plays an influential role in perspiration. Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is Option c) Plasma. Plasma consists of about ninety-two percent of water, and therefore the water released during sweating......
A fifth type ofsweat gland carcinomaseen in the head and neck is ductopapillaryapocrine carcinoma.115This neoplasm is largely confined to the eyelids,axillae, and genitoperineal region, whereapocrine glandsare found in the greatest density. Its cytoarchitectural features are quite similar to those...