Sweat equity is different from ESOP. As opposed to being a call option, sweat equity shares are actual shares that get vested to the employee directly. In the case of ESOP, the employee has to first exercise the option to get the share. ESOP has value if the share’s current price is ...
Allotment of equity shares under sweat equity have a locked-in or non-transferable for a period of3 yearsfrom the date of allotment, which acts as an effective incentive model. Furthermore, the share certificates are under lock-in and the expiry of the lock-in period should be stamped in ...
while performance shares are awarded if certain specified measures are met, such as anearnings per share(EPS) target,return on equity(ROE), or the total return of the company's stock in relation to an index. Typically, performance periods are over a multiyear time horizon. For instance,privat...
Amended and updated notes on section 54 of Companies Act 2013. Detail discussion on provisions and rules related to issue of sweat equity shares.
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