swd-web/package-lock.json Go to file Go to file T Go to line L Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 12969 lines (12969 sloc) 475 KB Raw Blame { "name": "vue-cil3.0-template", "version": "0.1.0", "lockfileVersion": 1, "requires": true, "dependencies": ...
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SWD Infotech is one of the most well-known and well-respected web hosts in the industry. Their plans include user-friendly Weebly site builder, no contract commitment, and unlimited storage, emails, and site traffic. The host prides itself on the reliable, high-performing hosting service. ...
BOSS Wallet (Web3经济通行证) 评分 BOSS Wallet是一款基于一组种子身份兼容多链的去中心化多链钱包。支持用户使用任何币种在各个公链上代替gas费进行0 gas币转账,BOSS Wallet集成硬件设备和软件客户端进行整体设计,旨在为用户提供一个安全可靠、便捷、用户体验良好的数字资产管理工具,其中内置多链钱包、闪兑、Dapp探...
SWD¶↑ SWD (Simple Web Discovery) Client Library NOTE: SWD was designed to be the core of OpenID Connect Discovery, but it’s replaced with WebFinger. So I’m no longer supporting this gem. Installation¶↑ geminstallswd Resources¶↑ ...
ACA-FSWD-2021 ACA 2021全栈Web开发项目 目标 该项目的主要目标是熟悉包括MongoDB,Express,React,NodeJS在内的MERN技术堆栈,并致力于构建,测试和部署完整堆栈的Web应用程序。 导师: 卡蒂基亚·古普塔(Kartikeya Gupta) Ketan Chaturvedi 普里扬舒·亚达夫(Priyanshu Yadav) ...
Be ready, we are launching soon !
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Grow your brand fast with aPLS web development. We deliver quality creative services to our clients in all the domains of digital marketing, web development.