该react应用旨在用于Twitch流,并显示在swcpoker.club上进行的任何ChefCatRadio锦标赛的排行榜。 如何在本地使用/运行 我计划最终将这个应用程序发布到我的个人网站上,但是在此之前,这是使这项工作有效的方法: git clone https://github.com/dchrostowski/swc_tournament_rankings cd swc_tournament_rankings yarn in...
2017 has been a banner year for Bitcoin. The price of btc is up 1700% this year alone! This makes things problematic for bitcoin poker sites who denominate their games in bitcoin and charge rake in the same format. As the price of btc goes up, so does the rake. This has already caus...