("./webpack.swcrc.js"); const swcLoader = "swc-loader"; [ { test: /.(ts|tsx)$/, use: [ { loader: swcLoader, options: getTsSwcOptions(isDebug, isClient), }, ], }, { test: /.(js|jsx|mjs|cjs)$/, use: [ { loader: swcLoader, options: getJSSwcOptions(isDebug, is...
ESBuild的内容类型(Content Type)包括了ES在打包时可以解析的文件类型, 这一点和Webpack的loader概念类似, 下面的例子是在打包时用JSX Loader解析JS文件. require('esbuild').buildSync({ entryPoints: ['app.js'], bundle: true, loader: { '.js': 'jsx' }, outfile: 'out.js', }) 1. 2. 3. 4...
要在 Webpack 中使用 SWC,可以安装swc-loader作为构建时的 loader: npm install swc-loader --save-dev 在Webpack 配置中添加对.ts和.tsx文件的处理: module.exports = { module: { rules: [ { test: /\.tsx?$/, loader: 'swc-loader', options: { // SWC 配置项 } }, ], }, }; 这样配置后...
extensions: ['.js','.jsx','.ts','.tsx'], }, }; 上述配置文件讲解: entry: 定义了 Webpack 打包的入口文件,我们这里使用的 TypeScript 和 React JSX。 module: 配置了swc-loader来处理.js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx文件。 resolve: 确保 Webpack 可以解析这些文件扩展名。 TypeScript 配置 为了使 TypeScript ...
loader: { '.js': 'js', '.ts': 'ts', '.jsx': 'jsx', '.tsx': 'tsx', }, treeShaking:true, define: { 'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"production"', }, plugins: [ { //实现自定义loader name: "swc-loader", setup(build) { ...
"swc-loader": "^0.2.3" }, "devDependencies": { "@docusaurus/module-type-aliases": "^2.3.1" 71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions 71 yarn.lock Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1952,6 +1952,72 @@ "@svgr/plugin-jsx" "^6.5.1" "@svgr/plugin-svg...
{ loader: 'swc-loader', options: { jsc: { loose: true, target: 'es2022', parser: { syntax: 'typescript', decorators: true, tsx: true, }, experimental: { plugins: [ [ require.resolve('swc-plugin-transform-cx-jsx/swc_plugin_transform_cx_jsx_bg.wasm'), { trimWhitespace: true, ...
ruleSet[1].rules[3].use[0] You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders. I don't know where I'm going wrong here. I've not configured any HTML plugin and I can't find any issues regarding this problem....
import esbuild from 'esbuild'//打包工具import swc from '@swc/core'//类似于babel es6 转 es5import fs from 'node:fs'await esbuild.build({entryPoints: ['./index.ts'], //入口文件bundle: true, //模块单独打包loader: {'.js': 'js','.ts': 'ts','.jsx': 'jsx','.tsx': 'tsx',}...
cssSuffixstring[]['.css', '.less', '.scss', '.sass']需要添加后缀的 css 文件后缀名 fileSuffixstring'css_modules'添加后缀的文件名后缀 使用 // .swcrc{"jsx":{..."experimental":{"plugins":[["swc-plugin-auto-css-module",{cssSuffix:['.css','.less','.scss','.sass'],fileSuffix:'...