The alleviation of SWBLI with ogive nose was so effective that the presence or absence of strap-on boosters had practically no effect on pressure fluctuations over the payload region. Unlike the conical shape, the ogive nose cone shape seems to meet both the shape and pressure parameter-...
This was due to very high levels of Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interactions (SWBLI) associated with the conical shape, which caused alternating flow featuring the formation of a unsteady λ-shock system over the payload region and a pair of counter-rotating vortices. The phenomenon was found to...
Supersonic shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions (SWBLI) can be observed around the control surfaces of an aircraft and inside the supersonic inlets. The SWBLI results in a separated flow, which is characterized by large amplitude but low frequency unsteadiness. The aim of the research in this...
SWB-LI0604 品牌 SURE/石崎秀儿 10人关注 1928年,石崎电机制作所于日本东京成立,秉持着研制「可以信赖的制品」的愿望,品牌名称正式奠定为『SURE』。 陪伴着生活冒险家们的一年又一年岁月,2018年,成立90周年之际,SURE正式进入中国,并制定中文商标『石崎秀儿』。 着眼于世界的视角,结合九十余年工艺沉淀,致力研发符合年...
SWB-LI0601C 梦の染 品牌 SURE/石崎秀儿 10人关注 1928年,石崎电机制作所于日本东京成立,秉持着研制「可以信赖的制品」的愿望,品牌名称正式奠定为『SURE』。 陪伴着生活冒险家们的一年又一年岁月,2018年,成立90周年之际,SURE正式进入中国,并制定中文商标『石崎秀儿』。 着眼于世界的视角,结合九十余年工艺沉淀,致力...
2015 Experiments on the effect of laminar- turbulent transition on the SWBLI in H2K at Mach 6. Exp. Fluids 56, 49-68.Willems, S., Gu¨lhan, A., and Steelant, J., "Experiments on the effect of laminarturbulent transition on the SWBLI in H2K at Mach 6," Experiments in Fluids, ...
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