简单的介绍下如何下载和添加星球大战:前线2的MOD。MOD管理工具:frostytoolsuite.com/MOD下载网站(N站):nexusmods.com/starwarsbattlefront22017/(需要科学上网)MOD下载之前需要注册并登陆N站账号。若MOD版本与游戏版本不一致可能会导致游戏无法正常运行。, 视频播放
DF 分析《星战前线 2 / SWBF2》Beta 分辨率与帧数。 * X1 从一代的 720p 提升为 792p-1000p。 * PS4 从一代的 900p 变成 972p-1080p。 * PS4 Pro 1296p-1440p,不再用棋盘渲染。 最多40 人对战的 Galactic Assault 模式帧数在 45-60fps 之间,16 人对战的 Strike 模式则是 50-60fps。都未能像...
EA 发布公告表示,《星战前线 2 / SWBF2》测试中受到最多批评的抽箱子系统,氪金土豪可能会大幅度破坏平衡性,因此作出一些改动:O网页链接* 传奇级别的星战卡,除了预订、豪华版、新手套件之内已经承诺的,其它全部从箱子系统中移除,改为通过 crafting,也就是开箱、完成挑战等获得的零部件,升级打造出来。* 你的通过不...
[SWBF2]看到这里时很不厚道地笑了 育碧-科洛桑 阿卡尼亚 14 ISD 8管防空机枪齐射 ytrutry5 摩克尔 11 皮耶特我能怎么办?我也很绝望啊! ytrutry5 摩克尔 11 皮耶特:PPT的命令,我能不听嘛,还有 ,我不是喊了加强前方火力了嘛 萨宾雷恩 科雷利亚 15 哈哈哈哈 POLARIS 阿卡尼亚 14 • 🛡Beli...
Release v1.0.1 of the Unofficial Update Mod for Star Wars Battlefront II on PS2. Adds a recreation of the content... SWBF2 PS2 US Unofficial Update Mod Apr 14 2024 Download Release v1.0.2 of the Unofficial Update Mod for Star Wars Battlefront II on PS2. Adds a recreation of the ...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":10899292,"subject":"SWBF2 - Xbox Progression lost","id":"message:10899292","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":3,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1698223"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:star-wars-battlefront-2-en"...
SWBF2 Gaming Sessions Sat, 08 March at 14:00- This session is full Are these times no good for you? Why notregister and make a new session? Gaming sessions Downloadable Content Resurrection- 3 achievements worth 80 TA Star Wars Battlefront II Stats ...
SWBF2 PS2 USA Unofficial Title Update Mod Release: R v1.0.2 We have Classic Collection at Home. DOWNLOAD DISCLAIMER: This mod was developed for free and is intended for free distribution. Pirated copies of Battlefront II are not supported, and this mod is not to be distributed commercially....
The fourth in a 6 part series of videos I'm publishing over this week covering the unused content of SWBF2 which will in total last just over two hours long. This video was meant to be part 2 in the series though I decided to delay it, after receiving some criticism on reddit about...
Re: Swbf2 bug list The sad thing is I doubt much support will be left for the game. Hopefully since there's no more content being added and if they're still supporting the game they'll just concentrate on fixing these bugs. Some have been around for s long time. Fingers crossed 🤞...