Serial blood Cu studies were carried out on about 370 ewes in Derbyshire, distributed over five farms, throughout the period of pregnancy, in connexion with a large scale field experiment on swayback in lambs. For the purpose of considering the effect of prophylactic treatment on blood Cu ...
Disseminated sclerosis in South Africa; its relationship to swayback disease and suggested treatment. Structural changes of the central nervous system in swayback (enzootic ataxia) of lambs. IV. Electron microscopy of the white matter... Disease of the nervous system occurring among research workers...
The significant slowing of tumor progression, as manifested by the preserved hindlimb function, coupled with the reduction in tumor volume, shows local non-viral delivery of apoptin could serve as an emerging therapy for the treatment of intramedullary spinal cord tumors.SJ Gwak...
Experiments made over the years 1941 to 1948 showed that where swayback occurred in the firstborn lambs of the eason, treatment of the remaining pregnant ewes revented further cases in that season. W. Thomson.doi:10.1038/168728a0DUNLOP
WIENER Animal Breeding Research Organisation, A.R.C., West Mains Road, Edinburgh AND OF INTRODUCTION Lambs affected by swayback (enzootic ataxia) generally have low Cu concentra- tions in their blood (Barlow, Purves, Butler and MacIntyre, 1960; Underwood, 1962). It has also been shown that...