The coupled SWAT–MODSIM approach in this study has some novel features: (i) it considers dynamic irrigation requirements instead of constant time series of demands; (ii) it is a fully coupled model and both models have feedback on each other; (iii) it is supported by a full tutorial ...
The MODFLOW model (the USGS Modular Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model) has been widely used as a standard model for simulating groundwater flow fluctuations in steady and transient states15,16,17,18,19. In this model, recharge values are commonly defined as a predetermin...
Garg, K.K.; Bharati, L.; Gaur, A.; George, B.; Acharya, S.; Jella, K.; Narasimhan, B. Spatial Mapping of Agricultural Water Productivity Using the SWAT Model in Upper Bhima Catchment, India.Irrig. Drain.2012,61, 60–79. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] ...
the modified SWAT model achieved a better prediction of baseflow than the original SWAT model. However, both models only improved a part of aquifer system simulation, either the shallow aquifer or the deep aquifer. In addition, they maintained the semi-distributed approach...