The meaning of SWASTIKA is a symbol or ornament in the form of a Greek cross with the ends of the arms extended at right angles all in the same rotary direction.
Swastika definition: a figure used as a symbol or an ornament in the Old World and in America since prehistoric times, consisting of a cross with arms of equal length, each arm having a continuation at right angles.. See examples of SWASTIKA used in a se
SWASTIKA meaning: a symbol in the form of a cross with its ends bent at right angles all in the same direction
Meaning of swastika in Buddhism Just like the Hindus, the Buddhists also used the swastika to mark the beginning of Buddhist texts as they consider it a symbol of universal harmony, prosperity, plurality, good luck, abundance, dharma, fertility, long life, and eternity. In different parts of ...
swastika meaning, definition, what is swastika: a sign consisting of a cross with each e...: Learn more.
Swastika cross symbol has a lot of significance for Hindus. Read to know about the meaning of red Swastik / Svastik sign. Colors of India: SwastikSwastikSwastika symbol has a lot of relevance for people in India. Though, Swastik sign is adopted by people of all religions, but it is espe...
"The " swastika" character has long surpassed the meaning carried by any religion, and has the meaning of universal salvation. Hitler and the Swastika's Magic By CK ( Most people only know the swastika from Hitler and the Nazis.How did Hitler come to use this symbol? How...
Meaning of swastika in Buddhism Just like the Hindus, the Buddhists also used the swastika to mark the beginning of Buddhist texts as they consider it a symbol of universal harmony, prosperity, plurality, good luck, abundance, dharma, fertility, long life, and eternity. In different parts of ...
Crossing the Gap of Meaning: Conflict and Reconciliation Inside Metaphor; 飞越意义之堑:“本义”与“隐喻义”的永恒追逐 There is eternal meaning under the infinite profundity of the history. 只有在历史的无限深度之下 ,才有永恒的意义。 The Eternal Pursue of the Ultimate Meaning of life(Cf.Ye Cao)...
gammadion(n.) "由四个大写gammas组成的装饰图案,中世纪希腊语为gammadion,源自希腊语gamma的小型形式(参见gamma)。 swastika的使用趋势 改编自 Ngrams 数据仅供参考。 Shareswastika 仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning ofswastika ...