风流剑客擅长一对一的决斗,也精通于无所顾虑地双持武器攻击对手,并在那以后飞快远离敌人。 来源:《珊娜萨的万事指南》 风流剑客特性 游荡者等级特性 3rd梦幻舞步,潇洒无畏 9th潇洒气质 13th优雅战技 17th决斗大师 梦幻舞步 Fancy Footwork 从3级你选择此范型起,你习得如何无机可循的发动打击,让你的敌人无可借机。在...
theDnD Swashbuckleris the perfect choice for you. TheSwashbuckler 5esubclass is a pirate-inspired character option that turns your character into a master of both sword and words. You’ll charm your foes with your quick wit, and then you’ll carve your initials into their chest. ...
18回复贴,共1页 <返回dnd吧【求助】关于游荡剑客(swashbuckler) 只看楼主收藏回复 Sirius_Wolf 眼魔 13 是这样的,我和小Y赌了10块钱,他坚持说游荡剑客的职业等级可以和游荡者的职业等级叠加来决定偷袭伤害,我觉得他在瞎扯淡。。。 送TA礼物 1楼2012-12-17 19:57回复 ...