Swappa 是一个专注于3C产品(计算机、通信和消费电子产品)的在线交易平台,成立于2010年,总部位于美国。它主要服务于那些希望在安全可靠的环境中进行二手交易的人们。Swappa 的独特之处在于它专注于智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑和智能手表等移动设备。📋 卖家如何操作? 作为卖家,你需要在 Swappa 上创建一个账户,并填...
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Swappa has grown to the most-used tech marketplace. “We enjoy creating technology that makes it easy for people to directly sell devices to other consumers,” Edwards said. AsSwappagrows, Edwards plans to focus on newer markets, such as laptops, video games and home technology....
Swappa is a user-to-user marketplace for buying and selling used technology and electronics. The platform allows individuals to trade smartphones, laptops, video games, sneakers, and other tech-related products. Swappa serves the consumer electronics sector, facilitating transactions between users witho...
Swappa’s clear instructions and checklist were very helpful in ensuring that I was able to make sure that everything was working right away. See more AP Arvind P. 13 hours ago I'm always guaranteed to find what I'm looking for on Swappa. I bought a couple of phones on this site ...
歌曲名《Swappa (feat. Amanda & SL- Wayi)》,由 Mkutshu and Desire、Amanda、SL-Wayi 演唱,收录于《Swappa (feat. Amanda & SL- Wayi)》专辑中,《Swappa (feat. Amanda & SL- Wayi)》下载,《Swappa (feat. Amanda & SL- Wayi)》在线试听,更多Swappa (feat. Amanda &
Swappa,专门的二手电子产品买卖网站,接受二手手机、二手笔记本、二手平板、二手相机及镜头、二手智能手表等产品。 Swappa并不收取卖家任何费用,卖家只要支付Paypal的手续费2.9% + $0.30即可,但它会根据卖家设定的售价自动在价格上增加小量手续费,手续费会由买家支付,在Swappa上卖二手电子产品要比在eBay或者Amazon上卖划算...
Swappa is using 1 carriers to delivery their order, including UPS. UPS Frequently Asked Questions How can I track Swappa order status? You can track your order status in AfterShip tracking page:https://www.aftership.com/trackby using the tracking number that you received in your order confirma...
Swappa, LLC 大小 41 MB 类別 购物 兼容性 iPhone 设备需装有 iOS 15.0 或更高版本。 iPod touch 设备需装有 iOS 15.0 或更高版本。 Mac 需要macOS 12.0 或更高版本以及装有 Apple M1 或更高版本芯片的 Mac。 Apple Vision 设备需装有 visionOS 1.0 或更高版本。
来自使用标准 Swappa 账户的卖家或来自受信任卖家计划的卖家的商品在获准销售之前由 Swappa 的审核团队审核。列表审核流程包括审核验证照片、检查 ESN 或序列号、确保设备符合要求的标准以及卖家帐户历史记录。 1.先进入注册页面,注册一个新的买家账号,输入账号的基本信息然后点击Register注册账号。需要验证邮箱才可以成功注...