Java program to swap two numbers using XOR operator - In this article, we will learn how to swap two numbers using the XOR bitwise operator in Java. The XOR operator is a powerful tool that allows you to perform bitwise operations, and one of its interes
// Rust program to swap two numbers// using bitwise XOR (^) operatorfnmain() {letmutnum1:i32=6;letmutnum2:i32=2; println!("Numbers before swapping:"); println!("\tNum1: {}",num1); println!("\tNum2: {}",num2); num1=num1^num2; num2=num1^num2; num1=num1^num2; pri...
Here, we are going to learn how to swap two numbers using the bitwise XOR operator in Swift programming language?Submitted by Nidhi, on June 04, 2021 Problem Solution:Here, we will create two integer variables and then we will interchange the values of variables using the Bitwise XOR (^)...
XOR the two numbers again and store the result in the first number (x = 2 ^ 5 so x = 7)Below is the program to swap two numbers using bitwise operator.#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int x = 6, y = 4; x = x^y; y = x^y; x = x^y; printf("x ...
Bitwise XOR 1 001 Java Program to Swap Two Number Using Bitwise XOR operator Java class Swap { public static void main(String[] args) { int a = 11, b = 22; System.out.println("Before swapping the numbers:"); System.out.println("First number = " + a); System.out.println("Second...
without getting to the case of the two custom objects, the bitwise xor operator doesn't even work with floats or doubles... And it is true that whoever has not seen it before will have to investigate what it means, that's how it was for me haha In the end, using a temp variable ...
Bice, a tiny module that offers a fast way to swap arbitrary length sequences of bytes within a Buffer, using only the Buffer itself and the bitwiseXORoperator. ###Install $ npm install bice [-g] requirereturns an helper hash/obj. ...
1) Swapping two numbers using third variable To swap two values, there is a simple approach is using a temporary variable that stores the element for swapping. Algorithm Let, variableacontains first value, variablebcontains second value andtempis the temporary variable. ...
C - Get remainder W/O using % operator C - Convert ascii to integer (atoi implementation) C - Print ASCII table C - Swap two numbers using four different methods C - Check a given character is alphanumeric C - Check a given character is a digit C - Check a given character is a wh...
// Java program to swap 1st and 2nd bits// of an integer numberimportjava.util.Scanner;publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){bytedata=10;bytebit_1=0;bytebit_2=0;bytexor_of_bit=0;;//Get 1st bit from databit_1=(byte)((data>>1)&1);//Get 2nd bit from databit_2=(...