Extended faceswap extension for StableDiffusion web-ui with multiple faceswaps, inpainting, checkpoints, ... - sd-webui-faceswaplab/scripts/faceswaplab_swapping/face_checkpoints.py at main · glucauze/sd-webui-faceswaplab
The face region is detected and the facial landmarks are located. The 3D models is fitted to the located landmarks. The 3D models is rendered using pygame with the texture obtained during initialization. The image of the rendered model is blended with the image obtained from the camera using...
def get_cropped_source_target_result(self): return self.S, self.T, self.cropped_output def _blending_two_faces(self, swapped_face_image, enhancement_mode): swapped_face_mask = faceParsing_demo(self.faceParsing_model, swapped_face_image, convert_to_seg12=False) ...
"First face of batches sources will be extracted and used as input (or blended if blend is activated).": "批次的第一个人脸图像将被提取并用作输入(或混合)。", "Face checkpoint built with the checkpoint builder in tools. Will overwrite reference image.": "使用工具中的模型构建器构建的人脸模...
: "参考图像,将提取第一个人脸", "First face of batches sources will be extracted and used as input (or blended if blend is activated).": "批次的第一个人脸图像将被提取并用作输入(或混合)。", "Face checkpoint built with the checkpoint builder in tools. Will overwrite reference image.": ...
今天抽时间把迄今为止最好用的stable diffsion的换脸插件FaceSwapLab汉化了一下,欢迎使用。 1、换脸插件的安装地址: https://github.com/glucauze/sd-webui-faceswaplab 详细过程不再赘述了,这个插件需要微软的开发工具VisualStudio。 下载地址: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/thank-you-downloading-...
Entire pipeline is done inMainPipeline class Face swap models work bad with teeth. Blending mouth area is important to reduce transparent teeth, "double teeth" and other artifacts of SimSwap (though new artifacts appear when GFPGAN is applied to the image where mouth is not accurately blended....
Supported Nodes: "Load Image", "Load Video" or any other nodes providing images as an output; source_image - is an image with a face or faces to swap in the input_image (source image, analog of "source image" in the SD WebUI extension); Supported Nodes: "Load Image" or any ot...
今天抽时间把迄今为止最好用的stable diffsion的换脸插件FaceSwapLab汉化了一下,欢迎使用。 1、换脸插件的安装地址: https://github.com/glucauze/sd-webui-faceswaplab 详细过程不再赘述了,这个插件需要微软的开发工具VisualStudio。 下载地址: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/thank-you-downloading-...
今天抽时间把迄今为止最好用的stable diffsion的换脸插件FaceSwapLab汉化了一下,欢迎使用。 1、换脸插件的安装地址: https://github.com/glucauze/sd-webui-faceswaplab 详细过程不再赘述了,这个插件需要微软的开发工具VisualStudio。 下载地址: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/thank-you-downloading-...