Photographer Natalia Voronova on Instagram via: Sae Eun Park 박세은 on Instagram Note I: This blog is open to receiving and considering any suggestions, contributions, and/or criticisms that may help correct mistakes or improve its content. Comments are available to any visitor. Note II: O...
When Prince Siegfried spots a beautiful swan with a crown on its head, for some reason he feels compelled to follow it. He discovers that the swan is, in fact, a princess named Odette, who is under a wizard's curse that causes her to become a swan by day. The wizard, Rothbart, wan...
(Varvara Jmoudsky) Baron Von Rothbart Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater Башкирскийгосударственныйтеатроперыибалета Batkhurel Bold Batya Annadurdyev БатырАннадурдыев Bayerisches Staatsballett Bavarian State Ballet ...
(Varvara Jmoudsky) Baron Von Rothbart Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater Башкирскийгосударственныйтеатроперыибалета Batkhurel Bold Batya Annadurdyev БатырАннадурдыев Bayerisches Staatsballett Bavarian State Ballet ...
story of the doomed love of Prince Siegfried and Princess Odette. Prince Siegfried goes out hunting one night and chases a group of swans – one of them transforms into a young woman, Odette, who explains that she and her companions were turned into swans by the evil Baron Von Rothbart. ...
Most ballets have a weak spot somewhere, and in Hong Kong Ballet’sSwan Lakeit is Von Rothbart. At the lakeside in particular, the character lacks almost anything in strength and stature, due in large part to the costume and it’s ineffectual, lightweight wings that when spread reveal no ...
Photographer Jack Devant on Instagram Photographer Jack Devant on VKontakte ,Black Swan,Het Nationale Ballet Dutch National Ballet,Jack Devant,Jakob Feyferlik,London Coliseum,Marius Petipa,Nicoletta Manni,Odile,Prince Siegfried,Pyotr Tchaikovsky ПётрЧайковский,Swan Lake,Teatro alla Scala...