鹅颈畸形的特点是近指间关节过伸和远指间关节弯曲畸形。我们知道掌板的作用是限制指间关节过伸,当掌板结构因原发性或继发性原因受到牵拉或断裂以后,即可出现鹅颈畸形。 鹅鹅颈畸形的后果有两种,一种是近指间关节僵直或挛缩于伸直位;另一种是虽然在休息位时近指间关节处于过伸位,但关节柔软,可被动弯曲。 颈畸形...
Often, the only symptom of swan neck deformity is the deformity itself - hand function may not be affected. The tendons may snap as the finger is flexed. At times, this tendon snapping may become painful. As the deformity becomes more ad...
...被拉伸时,以及近端指间关节处于过伸位时,即可出 现鹅颈畸形(swan-neck deformity)。 www.docin.com|基于22个网页 3. 天鹅颈畸形 近端指间关节过伸,远端指间关节屈曲的状态称为天鹅颈畸形(swan-neck deformity)。患者用力屈指时,作用力集中于掌指关节… ...
天鹅颈畸形 swan-neck deformity 天鹅颈兰 swan-flower 天鹅颈山花饰 swan\´s neck pediment双语例句 1. It´s like all of a sudden he let go a million moths all over the dusty furniture and swan-neck shadows and in our bones. 好像被他这一弄,有一百万只飞蛾从蒙灰的家具上,从天鹅颈状的...
Swan-Neck Deformity - Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders - Merck Manuals Professional EditionSTEINBERG.DAVID
Swan Neck Deformity Xray / Diagnositc Tests Swan Neck Deformity Classification / Treatment Nalebuff Type I: flexible hyperextension of the PIP joint. RX: Nalebuff Type II: tightness of the intrinsic muscles causes limitation of PIP joint flexion when the MCP joint is maintained in extension. ...
swan-neck deformity answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.
The article provides information on the radiological swan neck sign used to describe a characteristic appearance in rheumatoid arthritis with fixed flexion of the distal interphalangeal joint and hyperextension of the proximal interphalangeal joint.
Swan-Neck Deformity - Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment from the MSD Manuals - Medical Consumer Version.
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