Professor Swaminathan Iyer:I think it's a very important question because T cell lymphoma are rare,at least in the US and there are multiple types and they are very aggressive. There's no standard therapies and they re...
Professor Swaminathan Iyer:We are at the inflection, for molecular therapies based on various targets that has been discovered. First thing I want to say is that a lot of advances in understanding of the biology of the various sub-type of T cell lymphoma are ongoing and several discoveries ha...
在2024年6月13日至16日召开的第29届欧洲血液协会年会(EHA 2024)上,美国德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心、研究主要作者Swaminathan Iyer教授及其团队在一项I期研究中发现,ELA026不仅提高了初治mHLH患者的缓解率,还显著改善了其2个月生存率。这一发现为mHLH的治疗提供了新的希望。《肿瘤瞭望-血液时讯》特邀Swaminathan Iy...
R. D. Iyer;收割阳光的人-现代甘地:M。S. Swaminathan。 Andr ?? i Erd ?? lyi;迈向无饥饿的世界:Swaminathan先生的生活和工作。 Anwar Dil(ed),《科学与农业》:M. S. Swaminathan和争取自立运动。 S.Ramanujam Et Al(编辑) 4. Interdisciplinarity for better risk assessment of indoor chemicals. A ...
Swaminathan Iyer教授 美国德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心 我们正站在一个领域的转折点上,见证着基于多元路径的新型疗法的涌现。首先,值得强调的是,在T细胞淋巴瘤各亚型的生物学理解方面,我们已取得了诸多突破性进展与发现。具体而言,PTCL已不再局限于传统的单一治疗框架,而是细化为不同的策略,使得能够精准地基于亚型进行...
M.S.P.C.M.S.IyerM.S.R.D.M.S.Current Science (00113891)Kesavan, PC & Iyer, RD ‗MS Swaminathan: a journey from the frontiers of life sciences to the state of a ―Zero Hunger‖ world` (2014) 107(12) Current Science 2036