License:RajaYogaandPatanjali'sYogaAphorismswrittenbySwamiVivekanandaand publishedbySwamiVivekanandaQuotesislicensedunderaCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0 InternationalLicense. Price:Free Easynavigation Titlepage,Contents,Bookdetails,Background Book1(Preface,ChaptersI,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII)Book2(Introduction,Chapter...
Researched and written by Marie Louise Burke An all inclusive and fascinating account of the time Vivekananda spent touring America. All books are large Indian hardbacks $21.95 Description Reviews An exhaustive and fascinating account of the time Vivekananda spent, mostly in America, that brings out...
Vivekananda Works He compiled a number of books on the four Yogas, namely Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga. His best literary works include the letters written by him, which have a lot of spiritual value. He maintained a very simple style of writing, so that the layme...
than Yoga, because these are intended for an object in view, while Bhakti is its own fruition, its own means, and its own end.” Bhakti Yoga An introduction to Bhakti Yoga Written by:Swami Vivekananda Published by:CELEPHAÏS PRESS Edition:First ISBN:None Available in:Ebook Bhakti Yogaby Sw...
According to Leland Anderson the article was written May 13th, 1907. Anderson also suggested that it was through association with Swami Vivekananda that Tesla may have come into contact with Sanskrit terminology and that John Dobson of the San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers Association had researched ...
He translated Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s Bengali poem ‘Vaishnav Ke?’ to correct the ideas of ritvikism written in the poem. He has written the book titled rtvik- maya-vada-sata dushani to point out the importance of initiation. ...
This content is written and produced by Religion News Service and distributed by The Associated Press. RNS and AP partner on some religion news content. RNS is solely responsible for this story. ___ “Swami Vivekananda redeemed religion for us,” said Swami Yukt...
Vivekananda began his address as follows: “Sisters and Brothers of America, “It fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the warm and cordial welcome which you have given us. I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world; I thank you in ...