Suddenly, Mayo said, a whale burst to the surface. A first he thought it might be a great white shark. "There was all this action at the top of the water," Mayo said. Then, fortunately, the whale released Packard from its mouth. Tough Job Lobster divers are tough. In Provincetown,...
Shark Slime Cube Tarrasque Tyrannosaurus Whale Game Masters shouldn't waste their time sketching insides or misplacing miniatures every time the player characters face monsters with a hankering for heroes. With GameMastery Map Pack: Swallowed Whole, you'll always be ready when there's ravenous beasts...
The largest sharks are the whale shark and the basking shark, which feed on plankton and small fish. The adult whale shark grows to about 13 meters long, while the basking shark extends a little over 8 meters.(46)On the other hand, there are a number of them which have attacked and k...
Rainer’s instincts told him not to react to the scary situation in fear. Instead of freaking out, the diver took a deep breath and prepared to be taken back under the water by the 20-ton whale. Shortly after submerging, the whale released Rainer, who swam back up to the water’s sur...