Set of water intake for drainage ditches characterized by comprising a frame (1) having unapoyo perimeter (2) with an inner skirt (3) which terminates in a flange (4) and a plate (5) algomenores dimensions the perimetric support (2), which rests on the flanges (4) and against the ...
3.A shallow troughlike depression that carries water mainly during rainstorms or snow melts. [Perhaps from Middle English,shade,perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norsesvalr,cool.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Miff...
This kind of configuration is sometimes used when a home sits atop a slight hill where French drains carry roof runoff water from the lawn and downspouts to convenient exit points orcatch basins.A variety of methods can be used to terminate the drain tile. When drainage is needed for a hil...
Low area of ground used for drainage and often the infiltration of stormwater. Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved swale 1.A tract of low, usually wet land. ...
2024 Add places for water to pool and percolate into your garden’s soil: a dry streambed, swale or simple depression filled with mulch. Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 6 Jan. 2024 Improvements to site drainage — Anything that helps water exit property, such as swales or pipes. ...
This paper reports part of a WRAP-sponsored (Waste Resources Action Programme) study which investigated the potential for green (GC) and mixed green and food (MC) composts to be incorporated into Sustainable Drainage (SUDS) devices such as swales, and replace the topsoil (TS) onto which turf...
One or more swale overflow screen devices are installed within a bioretention swale, such that during periods of routine flow, at least a portion of storm water runoff or other passing fluids can enter the swale overflow screen device, through the catch basin and be released to a drainage ...
PURPOSE: A weir for controlling the water level of a swale is provided to adjust the water level for vegetation management in a swale for the growth of various kinds of swamp plants.;CONSTITUTION: A weir for controlling the water level of a swale comprises a main body(20) and a discharge...
The experimental findings offer implications for drainage swale planning and design: (a) SWC ini strongly affect swale functioning in run-off dissipation and conveyance during the early phase of run-off, which is particularly important for design storms and their antecedent moisture conditions, and (...
WATER purificationSTORMWATER infiltrationSTATISTICAL correlationSwales are traditional basic open-drainage systems which are able to remove stormwater-borne pollutants. In spite of numerous case studies devoted to their performances, parameters influencing the reduction of pollutant concentrations by swales remain...