As mentioned before, Swahili is the language used by many East African communities. If you want to speak Swahili and sound like a native, you can! Take your time learning the language in theLing app.Out of a million people, you may be among the ones to speak Swahili like a pro. Insta...
learning a language usually seem to be a hurdle ,this is because we usually major on grasping everything pertaining the new language. This course is different , I am going to provide us all the essential one need to be able mingle with Swahili speakers each lesson is about 1 minute but...
This app will help you to be an expert in Swahili language. Learning Swahili fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Swahili phrases & words from thousands of Swahili words available in app. This is a best Swahili language course for beginners. Features: + No...
This guide was made with beginners and travelers in mind. It assumes that you do not have any experience speaking Swahili. You will find it easy to make progress as someone just starting out with the language. Suitable for: beginner Swahili learners and travelers to East Africa. Not suitable...
swahililanguageschool +254701135559 Where to Find us +254701135559 swahililanguageschool +254701135559 our customer service Responsible 98% Our course book is out for Beginners ©... Swahili: For Beginners and Travellersby G. O. Oyoo - includes details of the Swahili alphabet and pronunciation; a guide to Swahili pronouns, sentence structure and sentence construction; useful words and phrases in variou...
Swahili vocabulary game - first words in the Swahili language for beginners. Visual multiple-choice game where you match the Swahili word with an animation. Use our Swahili vocabulary flashcards for drilling this general vocabulary.Swahili vocabulary builder - improve your Swahili language skills with...
Talk Now! is the world's best selling language learning CD-ROM series for beginners, used by more than three million people to date. Designed for newcomers to the language, Talk Now! is the perfect method to access a wealth of comprehensive fundamental vocabulary and accurate pronunciation in ...
This is the best app for beginners! Keep up the good work to the creator/s of this app! Rodney piliin 4.9 Previous Next Frequently asked questions about learning Swahili Is It Hard To Learn Swahili? According to the Foreign Insitute Service, the Swahili language is classified as a ...
Play cards, get experience points, beat the levels and collect new cards for free! Using the game-based method to keep the learning process fun at LingoCards, we make learning Swahili language from your mother tongue possible and our learning method is based on science and game-based methods...