extraTemplates(NodeJS option) type(Record<string, any> & { name: string, path: string })[]This thing allow you to generate extra ts\js files based on extra templates (one extra template for one ts\js file)Example here generate-templatescommand This command allows you to generate source te...
type (Record<string, any> & { name: string, path: string })[] This thing allow you to generate extra ts\js files based on extra templates (one extra template for one ts\js file) Example heregenerate-templates commandThis command allows you to generate source templates which using with ...
Options:-v, --version output the current version-p, --path <string> path/url to swagger scheme-o, --output <string> output path of typescript api file (default: "./")-n, --name <string> name of output typescript api file (default: "Api.ts")-t, --templates <string> path to ...
{swagger: swagger,className: clsName },'typescript'); swaggerData.defaultDomain=this.props.swaggerUrl.replace('/swagger-ui.html','');this.fs.copyTpl(this.templatePath(isTypescript ?'ts.ejs':'js.ejs'),this.destinationPath(outPutFile), swaggerData ); }else{console.error("can't fond swaag...
internalTemplateOptions: { addUtilRequiredKeysType: boolean; }; componentTypeNameResolver: typeof import("./src/component-type-name-resolver").ComponentTypeNameResolver; componentTypeNameResolver: typeof import("../src/component-type-name-resolver").ComponentTypeNameResolver; fileNames: { dataContract...
使用typescript,编写API,通过Type定义数据结构,进行约束。 问题: 还是需要手写 优雅版本 swagger 其实是一个json-schema描述文档,我们可以基于此,自动生成。 很早之前,写过一个插件generator-swagger-2-t, 简单的实现了将swagger生成typescript api。 今天,笔者对这个做了升级,方便支持后端返回的泛型数据结构。
@ApiTags('root') @Controller('') export class AppController { /** to show homepage */ @Get() showIndexPage(@Res() res: Response) { const templateData = { header: appData.Description, project_name: appData.Name, body: 'the only registration form you will ever fill', button: { tit...
一个基于并使用编写的 API客户端生成器。 安装 您可以全局安装Swaxios( npm i -g swaxios )或将其添加到。 您的目标项目还必须具有axios和TypeScript的最新版本: npm i axios npm i -D typescript 用法 显示所有CLI选项: swaxios --help 如果您将 (v2.0; JSON或YAML)传递给Swaxios,则它将生成一个使用...
If you observe carefully, the output folder doesn't have a component or template, it just has services. Publishing this will generate a lot of code that we probably don't need. The size of the output bundle will be less if it's compiled using a typescript compiler. After running the ...
{swagger:swagger,className:clsName},'typescript');swaggerData.defaultDomain=this.props.swaggerUrl.replace('/swagger-ui.html','');this.fs.copyTpl(this.templatePath(isTypescript?'ts.ejs':'js.ejs'),this.destinationPath(outPutFile),swaggerData);}else{console.error("can't fond swaager api-docs...