5、为了测试,我让拦截器始终返回true,然后,键入地址,奇迹般的变化了,但是,仍然遇到了错误。。。页面alert出了这个Unable to infer base url错误提示,然后就怀疑是不是swagger配置错了,其实不是,还是拦截器的问题,因为我虽然返回了true,但是我的true里还有response.writer 对象往页面写东西,这个是没法改动的,所以,我...
然后接着就是在当前模块启动类上面添加@ComponentScan("com.example.demo.config") 注意这里面写的最好和当前所在模块包路径名称保持一致,否则可能会把当前类所在的包路径给覆盖掉,默认是扫描该类所在的包和子包的,看这里https://www.cnblogs.com/javaxubo/p/17626635.html...
1、版本: swagger 2.7.0; 访问swagger首页 http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html,错误信息如下: Unable to infer base url. This is common when using dynamic servlet registration or when the API is behind an API Gateway. The base url is the root of where all the swagger resources are served....
展开全部 1.如果添加了继承了WebMvcConfigurationSupport的类, 需要重新配置资源路径2.启动类加上@EnableSwagger2 3.启动类继承extends SpringBootServletInitializer 4.添加拦截器在header中设置X-Frame-Option 为 Allow 5.header中设置name属性 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...
Unable to infer base url. This is common when using dynamic servlet registration or when the API is behind an API Gateway. The base url is the root of where all the swagger resources are served. For e.g. if the api is available athttp://example.org/api/v2/api-docsthen the base url...
这时候debug可以发现,在自定义路由前缀代码那里,它处理了swagger的前缀,但我设置路由前缀的初心是为了定义自己项目的路由前缀。 这时候解决报错很简单,只需要再加个判断只处理自己的包的路由前缀即可。 关键代码就是加了这行代码判断 handlerType.getPackageName().contains(this.apiPackagePath) ...
Unable to infer base url. This is common when using dynamic servlet registration or when the API is behind an API Gateway. The base url is the root of where all the swagger resources are served. For e.g. if the api is available at http://example.org/api/v2/api-docs then the base...
1. 错误提示 Unable to infer base url. This is common when using dynamic servlet registration or when the API is behind an API Gateway. The base url is the root of where all the swagger resources are served. For e.g. if the api is available athttp://example.org/api/v2/api...then...
1.打开swagger2网页跳出"Unable to infer base url..."提示 原因:没有扫描到Swagger配置类从而没法自动创建Bean 解决方法:在启动类上面添加@ComponentScan("swagger配置类所在包")注解 2.swagger出现No operations defined in spec!提示 原因:没有扫描到到@Component(@Controller/@Service/@Repository)的类,启动类注...