本地运行项目打开swaager可以用,但是上传到服务器用nginx做反向代理的时候返回"error": "no response from server",且网址有端口,swaager的请求url端口丢失,使用了默认80端口 问题原因: 因为在配置nginx反向代理的时候,没注意到配置代理的端口,导致端口丢失! 解决方案: 使用nginx端口映射的时候,proxy_set_header 配置...
1 首先我们部署好一个项目,然后按照正常路径打开swagger接口文档,可以正常访问,如下:2 任意打开一个接口,输入相关请求参数,如下:3 单击接口参数下方的Try it out 4 这时候我们会发现,接口并没有正常返回我们想要的数据,而是返回了no response from server。5 出现这种情况的原因是因为我们后台使用了nginx进行...
CAS:No principal was found in the response from... 主要问题还是由于客户端过滤器配置的CAS服务地址问题,配置casServerUrlPrefix 服务地址 配置为C... BetterFuture阅读 4,093评论 0赞 0 修复Nginx 502错误:upstream sent too big header whil... 看来还是Nginx的配置问题。 在Nginx配置文件的的http段,加入下...
swagger出现no response from server错误的解决办法 解决办法: 1、启用80端口 2、如果不是使用的80端口,是用的nginx做了映射的其他端口的话可以用Springfox swagger-ui 覆盖默认request host,加上这个在spring的应用上下文中: springfox.documentation.swagger.v2.host=项目域名 springfox.documentation.swagger.v2.path=...
swagger: print-init: true #非必需,默认true,控制台打印swagger url enabled: true #非必需,默认true docket: base-package: io.wilson.web #必需 server: port: 8888 #非必需 servlet: context-path: /test #非必需 运行效果图: 4. 多文档Docket配置yml-demoapplication.yml swagger: print-init: true ...
Whenever am trying to use the try now button, swagger shows me no content in the response body, response code '0' and response header as '"error": "no response from server"'. However, in chrome developer tools, the correct request is going and the expected response is showing.Note...
ArrayHasNoItems The array should have items specified. 陣列是空白的,但不允許使用空白陣列。 RequiredPropertyArrayEmpty The 'required' array requires at least one value. If no properties are required in the schema, remove the 'required' property. 你的swagger 有一個名為“required”的屬性的空陣列。
[headers.Server, gunicorn/19.9.0] - eq: [$.code, 0] - name: post request: method: POST url: http://httpbin.org/post json: username: test password: "123456" hooks: response: ['hook_response'] extract: url: body.url validate: - eq: [status_code, 200] - eq: [headers.Server, ...
production. The expectation is all methods and declared (manually mapped) models exist. If they don't, it'll throw nasty errors and the server will not start. In development mode, there is a/debug.jsonpage which shows implementation details of the inflector service. ...
String get() {return"Hello from get"; } @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.DELETE) String delete() {return"Hello from delete"; } @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.POST) String post() {return"Hello from post"; } @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.PUT) ...