33 Gaugeable Tube Fittings and Adapter Fittings 5 Contents Female ISO/BSP Parallel Gaskets For tube benders, tube preparation tools, and tube support systems, see the NPT and ISO/BSP Steel (RS Fitting), Swagelok Tubing Tools and Accessories Tapered Thread Copper (RP Fitting), catalog, MS-01-...
世伟洛克仪表管接头Catalog Swagelok Fitting 热度: .swagel ok VCR ® Met al Gasket Face Seal Fi t ti ngs ■ 1/16 to 1 in. and 6 to 18 mm sizes ■ High-purity stainless steels ■ The original design, the authentic VCR brand
arenotlisted,atubeadapter canbeusedtocreateatwo- pieceassembly.Formore informationontubeadapters, seetheSwagelokGaugeable TubeFittingsandAdapter Fittingscatalog,MS-01-140. 2Quick-Connects Contents Full-FlowQuick-Connects QFSeries...6 MiniatureQuick-Connects QMSeries...8 PTFE-SealedQuick-...
Parallel Thread (RG, Gauge), 47 ISO/BSP Parallel Gaskets Steel (RS Fitting), Copper (RP Fitting), Copper (RG, Gauge Fitting), and PTFE (RJ?Fitting), 53 For tube benders, tube preparation tools, and tube support systems, see the Swagelok Tubing Tools and Accessories catalog, MS-01-179...
two- piece ass embly. For more information on tube adapters, see the Swagelok Gaugeable Tube Fittings and Adapter Fittings catalog, MS-01-140. Operation of Swagelok Quick-Connects ■ Use filters ahead of quick-connects. ■ Use body and stem protectors or dust caps on uncoupled bodies and ...
swagelok接头图 Gaugeable SAF 2507™ Super Duplex Tube Fittings ■ Excellent corrosion resistance in chloride-containing environments ■ Advanced-geometry back ferrule design enhances sealing action ■ Same gaugeability as traditional Swagelok® tube fittings ■ Easy installation using hand tools ■ ...
TubeFittings 2 Intermixing/Interchanging8MetricSwagelokTubeFittings8 InstallationInstructions ■Sa,etyPrecautions9■Upto1in/25mmSwagelokTubeFittings10■Over1in/25mmSwagelokTubeFittings11■Gaugeability11■Reassembly12■O-SealMaleConnectors13■CapsandPlugs13■PipeThreadFittings13■PortConnectors14■PositionableElbowsan...
TubeFittingsandAdapter Fittingscatalog,MS-01-140. OperationofSwagelokQuick-Connects ■Useltersaheado quick-connects. ■Usebodyandstemprotectorsordustcapson uncoupledbodiesandstems. ■Alignbodiesandstemswhencouplingoruncoupling. ■Coupleanduncouplequick-connectsatroom ...
Swagelok 焊接系统 M200 电源供应说明书 Swagelok Welding System—M200 Power Supply 1 M200 POWER SUPPLY Swagelok ® Welding System M200 Power Supply Features ■ Power supply for reliable, consistent orbital gas tungsten arc welding ■ Up to 200 A peak output capability ■ Easy-to-use color...
Swagelok 316 Stainless Steel Severe Service Union